Arasikere — A heartbreaking incident unfolded in Kallusadarahalli village, Arasikere taluk, where three sloth bears lost their lives after coming into contact with a broken power line on local farmland. The deceased bears include a six to seven-year-old male, a female of the same age, and a one-year-old cub.
Following heavy rainfall on Sunday, a live power line snapped and toppled onto the fields. It is believed that the bears ventured out from the nearby forest in search of food, inadvertently coming into contact with the hazardous wire.
Farmers discovered the lifeless bears early Monday morning. The male bear was found with the broken power line lodged in its mouth, while the female and the cub were likely electrocuted by another fallen wire in an adjacent field during their escape attempt. Both were found dead side by side.
Upon notification by the villagers, officials from the Forest Department and the local power utility promptly arrived at the scene. The bears’ bodies were transported for post-mortem examinations before being respectfully buried.
This incident highlights the ongoing risks wildlife faces due to infrastructure damage, especially in the aftermath of severe weather conditions. Authorities are urged to implement preventive measures to safeguard both animals and communities from similar tragedies in the future.