New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah, while addressing the Police Commemoration Day ceremony on October 21, honoured the sacrifices of police personnel who laid down their lives to protect the nation. He reaffirmed the government’s commitment to eradicating terrorism, drug trafficking, and other threats to India’s internal security.
“Our security forces have controlled terrorist activities in Jammu and Kashmir over the past decade, but the fight isn’t over. We remain committed to eliminating terrorism, drug trafficking, and anti-India activities,” Shah told a gathering of senior officers, retired personnel, and the families of fallen heroes.
Honouring Police Martyrs
Shah highlighted that since Independence, 36,468 police personnel have died in the line of duty, with 216 officers making the ultimate sacrifice in the past year alone. “Our nation’s progress would not have been possible without the sacrifices of these brave individuals,” he remarked.
Police Commemoration Day, observed annually on October 21, commemorates the sacrifices of police personnel. The main function is held at the National Police Memorial (NPM) in New Delhi and is traditionally presided over by the Union Home Minister. Shah reminded attendees of the origin of the day, recalling the bravery of 10 CRPF jawans who were ambushed by Chinese troops at Hot Springs, Ladakh, in 1959.
National Police Memorial: A Tribute to Courage
In his address, Shah credited Prime Minister Narendra Modi for initiating the construction of the National Police Memorial, which was dedicated to the nation in 2018. The NPM stands as a symbol of national pride and unity, with its 30-foot-high granite sculpture representing the strength and resilience of police personnel.
The memorial also features the Wall of Valour, engraved with the names of police martyrs, and a museum chronicling the history and evolution of policing in India. Open to the public, the NPM hosts parades, band displays, and retreat ceremonies every weekend to foster a deeper connection between citizens and the nation’s police forces.
Reaffirming Security Commitments
Shah concluded by stressing the government’s focus on national security. “These brave soldiers are safeguarding the country from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Kutch to Kibithu,” he said, reinforcing the significance of police forces in maintaining internal security and protecting the borders.